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An Observation on the Inter-correlation of Confidence and Happiness

Throughout my practice, I have observed that many people struggle to achieve their goals and many do not get the results they hoped for. After spending much time trying to understand why this happens, I realized that most of these people do not have the confidence needed to reach the goals or results they are after. For some, failing to achieve their intended results becomes the norm and a reoccurring theme. As a result, their confidence diminishes with every cycle.

In fact, for most people in at least one area of their lives, there is a gap between where they are and where they want to be. Again, often this gap is caused by missing one key component, confidence. This is because, we have what we are, not what we want. Therefore, to have more, we have to gain more skills, knowledge, and understanding. In other words, to overcome obstacles we need to become more than the obstacles by learning more. This is different from allocating more time to do the same thing over and over or try even harder on what is not working, because doing so would weaken their confidence further.

As a result, for most people who want more, they have to raise their level of confidence in themselves. When you learn more, you are capable of doing more and in the end, you will be more. The desire to build higher confidence in self has to be stronger to be able to enhance one’s life to a higher level. The power resides in confidence since the level of confidence has to be equal to the level of the desired goal.

Confidence gives courage and thereby lack of confidence can lead to a lack of courage. Courage helps you to take action. Often, due to lack of confidence, some people spend too much time on minor things and too little time on major things. Confidence can be viewed as the master key to your power. Confidence is important for success, in making a change, in enhancing one’s life, to raise awareness, inspiration, determination, growth, mental health and living a vital life.

If you feel you need to have a desire to take your life to the next level, you have come to the right place. If you review your life, you can determine whether you have taken all the actions you had planned to achieve your goals and if not, you can start to do so now.

This book is intended for those who have identified a need and are ready to make a commitment to build higher confidence. It contains proven processes, procedures, and steps to be followed to achieve your desired outcomes and advance you from not trusting yourself to believing and having confidence in yourself.

The Master Key to Your Power

Giti Caravan holds a BA in Clinical Psychology and Masters in Counselling, with more than 20 certifications of training in new-age and cutting-edge approaches to training. She is a Member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association, the American Board of Hypnotherapy, the American Board of NLP Coaches, and the American Board of Timeline Therapy. To contact her call (306) 242-6688 in Saskatoon, email address

For more information about her Counselling and Psychotherapy Services, Intervention Services, Hypnotherapy Treatments, Training, and Coaching Services, please visit

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